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Worrying — Unnecessarily — About Vaccinating Your Child

Arctic Researchers Race to Uncover Effects of Global Warming on Songbirds
Ornithologists are in a race against time to document shifts at the top of the world that could foreshadow what’s to come in lower latitudes.

Non-Ultralight Field Reporting with Baby in Tow

Growing Up with Pesticides
Long-term studies of the effects of pesticides and other environmental chemicals on the very young brain are coming up with worrisome results.

You Won’t Get Pregnant if You Use the Pill, Right? Wrong.

Respecting the Body’s Clocks
Daily rhythms affect everything from the time we wake to how well we perform in sports.

Making Peace with the Changing Career Arc
The truth is that all science writers have to figure out the equation that allows them to meet career goals and deal with financial and family obligations.

Infectious Animals
Critters spread many germs that can sicken each other — and even kill people.