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A Planetary Fix?
Underground carbon storage is one of the most viable solutions for funneling heat-trapping gases out of the atmosphere. Volcanic rock lying beneath Iceland and elsewhere around the globe could provide a vast and permanent geological burial ground for CO2, stored as rock. The biggest hurdle is not a technological one.

Taming the Bark Beetle’s Attack on American Forests
As bark beetles continue their assault on forests throughout the West, scientists are gathering clues to help them understand the evolutionary history of the relationship between conifer trees and the skillful insects that depend on them.

Eating Disorders: The Brain’s Foul Trickery
Science is unraveling how the brain fools some of us into eating too little — or too much.

You Can Be Too Thin
An eating disorder is not a dieting choice; it is a mental illness that can prove deadly.

Southwest US: Ground Zero for Climate Change
Future predictions of increased fires, drought and floods in the Southwest border on biblical. In this Q&A, Gregg Garfin, climatologist and coordinating lead author for the Southwest-region chapter of the National Climate Assessment, reflects on the dire situation, his “apocaloptimist” nature and bright spots he sees on the horizon.

What to Know Before You Spray Your Lawn with Pesticides

Fueled by Social Media, ‘Thigh Gap’ Focus Can Lure Young Women to Eating Disorders

Climate Change Adaptation: Designer Reefs
Biologists are directing the evolution of corals to prepare them to fight climate change.